Here are the official rules:

1. This contest is open for only registered users – checkout the sidebar

2. You should collect 200 Points to enter the draw – checkout the sidebar

3. Submit a valid comment below!

4. “Tweet” the post to increase your opportunity.

5. Multiple entries are accepted.

6. The winner will be announced next friday inshallah.

It’s that simple. So get to it !!!

I picked a name at random and the winner of the God of War III demo is ibrahimmbi Congrats! Let us know how the demo is in the comments.

7 Responses to “[Friday Giveaway] God of War III Demo”

  1. so me the first 😉 i am a ps3 gamer and a friend of and i demand my voucher ;P

  2. how can i know how much points do i have??

  3. ibrahimmbi says:

    ok thanks 🙂

  4. ibrahimmbi says:

    i tweeted the post 😉 “[Friday Giveaway] God of War III Demo #Gradly #GoWIII”

  5. ibrahimmbi says:

    so who won 😉