Business website Linkedin has provided a small piece of information which suggests that God of War 4 is in development, or at least in pre-production as found by PlayStation Systemlink,

An animator, whose name shall be withhold for security reasons, has the following entry under his work with Motion Logic Studios:

Game Cinematic for God of War 4 Cinematic Test (PS3)

Now gamrfeed claims that an unofficial PlayStation magazine, PSM3, has claimed that an unnamed source has informed them that God of War 4 will launch in September of next year.

PSM3 has heard from another source that God of War 4 is coming, and will hit in September 2012. Our source works closely with the God of War universe, and let slip he’d be working on a related project at the same time.”

Most God of War fans are aware of the fact that God of War 3 marked the end of the trilogy. The game’s producer, Steve Caterson, stated that Kratos’ ending is “not the end of the franchise.”

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