Columbia Pictures has released the first trailer for Marc Webb‘s The Amazing Spider-Man. I’m very excited for the franchise reboot and who knows this movie could end up being a better Spider-Man film than Sam Raimi’s films which in turn were great movies of all time.

The movie stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Martin Sheen, Sally Field, Denis Leary and is set to be released on July 3rd 2012. Check out the trailer below:

2 Responses to “The Amazing Spider-Man official Movie Trailer”

  1. ibrahimmbi says:

    i hate that this movie is getting back to square one !

    • The previous Spiderman movies were great I enjoyed them all now, this is a reboot lets see what others can do for the franchise. And btw this is the case with Transformers, a new reboot id developing!


  1. The Amazing Spider-Man New Epic Movie Trailer | Gradly - [...] new trailer for the highly anticipated movie The Amazing Spider-Man. This is a damned good like the first trailer…