• When things are down,
    And you are out of your mind,
    Just Remember,
    Allah is The All-Kind.
  • When your life is in darkness,
    And nothing is right,
    Just Remember,
    Through the darkness,
    Allah is The Light.
  • When nothing makes sense,
    And your heading for demise,
    Just Remember,
    It doesn’t make sense but,
    Allah is The All-Wise.
  • When times are troubled,
    And no one seems to care,
    Just Remember,
    Allah won’t hurt you, He is Just.
  • When your heart is breaking,
    And your pain makes you fall,
    Just Remember,
    Allah Sees all.
  • When you are weak,
    And the road seems long,
    Just Remember,
    Seek strength from The All-Strong.
  • When life is a burden,
    And everything is unstable,
    Just Remember,
    Allah is Able to do all.
  • When the way is cloudy,
    And there is no one by your side,
    Just Remember,
    Allah is The Only Guide.
  • When no one wants to listen,
    Or is willing to lend an ear,
    Just Remember,
    Allah is the All-Hearing.
  • When you are poor and penniless,
    And you are stuck in a niche,
    Just Remember,
    Allah is The Rich.
  • When you are down in your misery,
    And there is nowhere to run,
    Just Remember,
    You can always run to The One.
  • When you r all alone,
    And your pain has no end,
    Just Remember,
    Allah is the only one you can depend on.
  • And when your scars are hurting,
    And your heart is in fear,
    Just Remember,
    Allah is with those who are patient.

2 Responses to “Just Remember ALLAH”

  1. thank u so much GRADLY for all these. It’s wonderful to see like these words in this website . thanks for every thing. ALLAH yejazeek kheer.

  2. thank you for this flattery man