A jobless man applied for the position of ‘office boy‘ at Microsoft.
The HR manager interviewed him, then a test: clean the floor. “You are hired” he said, “give me your e-mail address, and I’ll send you the application to fill, as well as when you will start”. The man replied “I don’t have a computer, neither an email”.
“I’m sorry”, said the HR manager, “if you don’t have an email, that means you do not exist. And who doesn’t exist, cannot have the job”. The man left with no hope at all. He didn’t know what to do, with only 10 US$ in his pocket.
He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10 KG tomato crate. He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the operation 3 times, and returned home with 60 US$. The man realized that he can survive by this way, and started to go everyday earlier, and return late. Thus, his money doubles or triples every day. Shortly later, he bought a cart, then a truck, then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.
5 years later, the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the U. S. He started to plan his family’s future, and decided to have a life insurance.
He called an insurance broker, and choose a protection plan. When the conversation was concluded, the broker asked him his email. The man replied: “I don’t have an email”. The broker replied curiously, “you don’t have an email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Do you imagine what you could have been if you had an email ?!” The man thought for a while, and replied: “an office boy at Microsoft!“.
The moral of this story:
- M1– Internet is not the solution to your life.
- M2– If you don’t have internet, and work hard, you can be a millionaire.
- M3– If you received this message by email, you are closer to be an office boy, rather than a MILLIONAIRE.
P.S. I am going to sell Tomatoes.
21 Responses to “Story Corner: An Office Boy at Microsoft!”
I will delete my email address and go work as an office boy at microsoft!
i don’t know what to write but Microsoft sucks any way 😉
i liked this story ,i thought of sending it by email to my friends but id like to see my friends multimillionaires …
Oula farawati; thanks for your passing.
ibrahimmbi; and so … you have an e-mail, and your friends as well, you are all likely to be an office boy, rather than a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE. (what a shame) !!
i like microsoft and i feel that it’s a real empire …
i need to be an office boy in microsoft to gain experience … who knows
may be one day i will be a multimilionaire with two emails
god bless microsoft
I liked your answer, go on, answer and answer more and more 🙂 LOL
you are such a cheeter it not me who wrote this comment “i like microsoft ..” bla bla bla … you know that i hate microsoft as i hate cheating and cheaters …
this is it am not commenting any more on your blog x(
What the hell is going here, I didn’t modify anything !!
why should I do such madness !!
Latest NEWS: That Comment was written by an ALIEN Ahmad Salah, and so plz consider this citation.
Sorry Gradly for my angre … you owe me an apology … but that “Ahmad Salah” … deserves whats gona happen to him … that little punk … always drives me crazy ..
I give u Gradly the right to edit my comments how ever u want from now on .
Don’t worry mate, but next time try not to behave in bad manner and think better, actually think twice or more before you send e-mails, SMS’s, … etc.
I don’t blame you at all, but don’t you see that the last words in your comment sound bad in terms of my reputation 🙂 LOL
A Generalization:
i’m sorry my friend (sadeqy)
but i was really angry about you , cuz i thought u a copycat or cheater
but after deep thinking , it seems that was partially true !!
when i meet you we will discuss this issue ok
again i’m sorry 4 that bad terms used last weekend
and i hope ahmad salah to forgive me about everything
see you later our friends (asdeqa2y)
“It seems that was partially true” of what… ??!!
… of being a copycat and cheater ?? 🙁
Gradly this is the next time of “Ahmad Salah” and this time you believed that it was me who wrote “bla bla bla (sadeqi) …” … that ALIEN just keeps acting like a kid … dont you have something to stop his “awake of childhood”.
I repeat its not me who wrote the last comment under my nickname.
See .. no such authentication at all !!??
do u use microsoft products around here ?? 😉
hey ibrahimmbi, I liked your TEST.
Of course there are alot of MS products around here!!
loooooooool … oooh ya we are surrounded by ALIANs of microdoft !!
u know some cryptology is needed for some legal issues 😉
by the way ur reputation rocks man .. thanks for setting the justice … and thanx alot for naming things the way they are ….
y3ni, all rights are gonna back to their original owners, and the water is rilling again into the stream ! very glad to hear that 🙂
me too 😉
one more moral of this story:
M4. keep away from Microdoft products and ALIANs … the world is full with alternatives …
M5. all multimilionaires started with small ideas … while Microdofters still copying them …
M6. a Microdofter is an intruder on multimilionaires success.
I’ll rather call it: Micro-zeft