micogoogle.pngMicrosoft has agreed to make changes to Vista in response to a complaint by Google alleging that Vista’s inbuilt search functionality competed unfairly with Google Desktop Search.

According to a NY Times report, Google’s complaint was made confidentially in line with rules established as part of a previous settlement over anti-competitive behaviour by Microsoft. The settlement between state prosecutors, the Justice Department and Microsoft will avert the prospect of litigation over the matter.

The changes Microsoft will make to Vista have not yet been made public.

It’s an interesting case. Microsoft has a long history of anti-competitive behaviour however in recent years the company has been a far better corporate citizen, in large part due to the terms imposed on it by previous settlements. On the surface it seems a little strange that Microsoft could be in this position; Vista’s search capabilities really do nothing more than deliver decent search functionality out of the box for Windows. Search functionality has been available in some form or another in ever version of Windows since Windows 95, the difference being that previously those search capabilities have been substandard compared to offerings from Google and Yahoo with their own respective desktop search programs. Whatever the actual details of the case may be (and we may never know) it’s a win for Google. For Microsoft, questions remain: is this simply a case of Microsoft waiting to fight another day, or is the company now seriously spooked by both the threat of anti-competitive litigation and Google? It’s certainly very un-Microsoft like to simply settle without a fight.

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29 Responses to “Google Stares Down Microsoft And Wins”

  1. microsoft has the right to do what it needs , it’s there product right

    why others always cry about microsoft

  2. Did you understand the article, man?!
    Delete your Gmail account, then !!

  3. Hi guys .. viva la Google ..
    i think Micro-zeft’s Office boy should drop his email account on gmail as you said Gradly … but i have a question … how did Micro-zeft hired him with a gmail account !!?


  4. ya 7beby micro zeft hay enta btesta3’el montahjatha
    mobilak microzeft + o dot zeft + computerak 3layh windows microzeft

    w7yatak kolha zeft bzeft 🙂 sa7 ?

  5. a7mad; Sho shareb 3la hal sube7?
    Ibrahimmbi; Google started from scratch, and looking forward to being a lead company. Microzeft is gaining cash, and looking forward to being a wealth one.

  6. a7mad sala7;loooooooooooooooool … sa7 .. 2kna3tni .
    Gradly; “Microzeft is gaining cash, and looking forward to being a wealth one” from others success … and this is wrong and illegal .

  7. ya 3ammy eza microsoft 3erfat t3mal success from others success …. then microsoft suceeded

  8. why you man switched to Oracle after doing well with .NET, I think you found this latter not worthy.

  9. this is not true Mr. Gradly
    .NET will dominate the market after few years
    and you will not find any non-.NET expert at all
    .NET is growing and growing …. can you imagine ?
    you scared ?!!

  10. Don’t change the subject, Why did you turn to Oracle, then?!!

  11. i didnt switch
    all the story is about luck
    i wish if i had worked in .NET …. really it’s very nice technology

    ok dude 🙂

  12. O.K if all the story is about luck, then I wish you a good one. GOOD LUCK

  13. Good one Gradly…
    a7mad sala7; about .NET … .NET tech. started since 8 years from 1999 and u want me to wait for “few years” to feel the success of it … Java is standing out there from 12 years and made a legacy since the first year !!!? by the way the latest version of java is 1.6 while .NET is 2005 !!! Can’t u see the difference????

  14. Mr ibrahimmbi you said that .NET Technology started since 1999, right?
    that means .NET did within 8 years what Java did in 12 years, and may be more!!
    you can admit that .NET now is more popular than java !! right ?

    so what you think ?

  15. I think you are such two monkeys jumping around me. LOOL

  16. gradly you are always talking about monkeys , could i know the secret ?!!

  17. I cannot show secrets online, it’s a public area.

  18. a7mad sala7; no no no baby … u know nothing about java then as well as you don’t know anything about .NET … what java reached in these 12 years .NET well NOT reach for 120 years !!! MR dude 😉
    Gradly; if u think that we are “two monkeys jumping around you” that means you are running a zoo 😉 .
    its rhymed isn’t it ( … you … zoo ) good !!

  19. No man, it’s just a simile, I hate monkeys a lot, also I haven’t seen any before.
    good rhyme too, you probably become a poet.

  20. Mr ibramhimmbi, how you talk and defense of java and you don’t know it at all
    right? and even .NET , so how can you compare and judge it !!
    about Mr Gradly he lies , he loves monkeys and talk about them a lot, and who talk about thing too much i guess that he love it

  21. I think this is the most active post since you (Gradly) created this site yes?
    i recommends you to remove it , thats enough !!
    21 comment

  22. viva microsoft

  23. You a7mad sala7, I love you and talk about you a lot my little monkey.

  24. MR Ahmad Sala7; you dont know me to judge me as well 😉 u really dont.

  25. Az3ar, “al rajul al 3’amed” The vague man. LOOOOL

  26. your conclusion is false mr gradly , i’m wondering if you had taken logic course in university ? kam jebet fl AI ?

  27. About what you’re talking Mr. Ahmad? ana jebt fe Discrete 93. but I really forget about AI .
    man, be obvious, next time.

  28. here is some that had 95% in AI … what do you want MR A7mad Sala7 😉

  29. I don’t remember my mark, but in Discrete we took sufficient amount of logic.