Once upon a time there was a man walking in the beautiful jungle admiring the tall trees and enjoying the scenes in it, SUDDENLY he was startled by a big ROAR he looked back to see a BIG HUNGRY LION running towards him so, he started running as fast as he could, he saw an old well infront of him so, he jumped into it to avoid the hungry lion, he grabbed on the rope that was in the well.

After he cuold hear the lions roar no more, he suddenly heard the HISSS of a BIG POISONOUS SNAKE from beneath him in the well, so he tried to climb up using the rope , SUDDENLY, two MICE, one was WHITE and the other was BLACK, the two mice started nibling on the rope to cut it so, the man started swinging the rope and bumping on the sides of the WELL.

As he was doing that he hit something soft, he reached his hand and touched it, IT WAS HONNEY, he liked the taste of honey so much that he started eating it and forgot all about the lion and the snake and the two mice, SUDDENLY THE MAN WOKE UP.

It was only a DREAM …

The man wanted to know what his dream was so, he went to a wiseman and told him about it. The wise man smilled and told him that:

The LION was the angel of death 
The WELL and the SNAKE in it is his grave 
The BLACK and WHITE MICE are the days and nights that are been counting his life 

So the man asked the wise man “what about the HONNEY”, the wise man said: this is LIFE itself, it is so sweet that it makes you forget that there is DEATH and JUDGEMENT.

The Moral of this story:

  • We live in this world enjoying every pleasure in it that we sometimes forget the real reason we are created for !!

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