[flv:http://www.gradly.net/videos/Hondaad.flv 400 313]

  • Costing $6.2 million, this Honda ad follows a “domino” effect of car parts for two minutes. “There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in the film. Everything you see really happened in real time, exactly as you see it. The film took 606 takesรขโ‚ฌย. Enjoy it.

6 Responses to “World’s Most Expensive AD”

  1. The. Best. Ad. Ever.

    this is one great Ad. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I mostly liked the windscreen wipers movement … very cool

  4. it’s really fantastic, could you tell me how can I download it, I like to collect the cool ads. Thanks

  5. Ok man, check out ur e-mail, I sent u a direct link..

  6. I have to say this is the most amazing ad I’ve seen, when it came out on TV I was mesmerised watching it.