In the confines of cubicles by artificial light
Sipping coffee from the machines day and night
Speaking on the phones, in meetings we sit
Staring the monitor, the keyboard we hit
Far away from loved ones
Wife, children; daughters and sons
whom for days we do not meet
Remembering them, working on our seat
This is life for us, working away from home
& loved ones in places afar
What a life, software professionals we are ?!!

4 Responses to “Poem Highlights: Software Professionals”

  1. but we do get paid the big bucks.. unfortunately is costs us our sanity and life!

  2. that’s right Muna, but does it really affect our sanity ?!! madness 🙂

  3. We are resistant, it takes more than a cubicle confinement to go totally insane..
    We are mentally exhausted, numb sometimes.. We lost a marble or two along the way, but those can be easily recovered by a trip home..if we can go home that is 🙁

  4. I always try to make my work amusing as possible !!