
Is this bus traveling to the Left or Right ?

Can’t make up your mind?!!
Look carefully at the picture again.

Okay … Check the answer in the 1st Comment.

14 Responses to “A simple visual TEST”

  1. Still don’t know?

    Pre-schoolers all over the United States were shown this picture asked the same question. 90% of the pre-schoolers’ gave this answer.

    The bus is traveling to the left.

    When asked, ‘Why do you think the bus is traveling to the left?

    They answered:

    ‘Because you can’t see the door to get on the bus.’

    How do you feel now ???

    I know, me too.

  2. LOOOL!
    This gotta be some IQ question! this stuff are so tricky!!

  3. of course dude … why I put it then ?!!

  4. Stupid?…. yeah, that’s how I feel..

  5. I just goot schooled by preschoolers !

  6. hahaha … but I knew the answer !!!

  7. shater … shater !! 🙂

  8. Did they try asking pre-schoolers in UK or Japan? the answer might be opposite 🙂

  9. I was going to say the bus was heading toward you – It kinda looks like headlights and a grill from the front of a bus.

  10. ibrahimmbi says:

    i feel like an idiot ! =D

  11. ibrahimmbi says:

    i feel like … an idiot =D