** As I anticipated, check out my previous post **
Matt Olmstead – executive producer of “Prison Breakâ€, says this and more in an interview, read:
Dr. Sara Tancredi (played by: Sarah Wayne Callies)— whose rather ugly contract dispute with producers led to her apparent decapitation last October — is returning next season. Full-time. As Dr. Sara Tancredi. Head and all. Seriously.
How? Why? When? What?! All legitimate questions. Good thing I just hung up with Mr. Answer Man (aka executive producer Matt Olmstead).
So… I take it that wasn’t Sara’s head in that box….
Matt Olmstead: Yeah, that wasn’t.But initially it was supposed to be her head. What changed?
Olmstead: What changed was…. once we realized that the emotional hook of Season 3 was going to be the death of Sara, when we didn’t get the actress to do it, as soon as we wrote it and shot it, we realized that there was actually a way she could still be alive. Lincoln glanced at the head in the box for a split second. That could’ve been anyone. He wasn’t about to pull it up from the hair and inspect it closely. And then we were fairly careful thereafter of references we made to that and who took credit for it and what was seen or heard, and we left it fairly [vague]. But initially when we realized that we never actually saw the character get killed, we just had that knowledge in our back pocket and moved forward with the narrative as we intended. Which was: she’s out of the picture, Michael’s [feeling guilty] and Lincoln is freaking out because if they did that to her, they could do that to his son. It really gave us a real push for the season.Don’t you think that was a little unfair to the audience — particularly fans of Dr. Sara — to jerk them around like this? They had every reason to believe she was dead.
Olmstead: I don’t think it was unfair, because it gave us some real juice storytelling-wise — it put teeth in the antagonists. Obviously they were now capable of killing somebody. It also gave us a couple of episodes where Lincoln withheld the information from Michael, and that gave us conflict with the brothers. But also, what were we really going to do? Were we going to see Sarah Wayne Callies tied to a chair for 13 episodes? And then if she broke free, what is she really doing? It was almost a disservice to that character to keep her around last season. Certainly, we could have put her on a cruise ship and she’s off sailing away. But we felt that if we’re going to lose that character, why not get the most drama out of it? We didn’t look at it in terms of [us] trying to tell the audience to go, you know, do something to themselves.What role did the fan response to Dr. Sara’s death play in her return?
Olmstead: It factored in. It was kind of a confluence of events. We saw on the message boards that a lot of fans were wondering if she really was dead. And then that led to conversations of, “Well, what if she isn’t?” But then we put that on the back burner and moved forward with what we had to do, because it wasn’t anything that could be dealt with right then. And then when we came back after the strike and we realized that we were not going to finish Season 3… we creatively decided to blow it all out, jump forward in the timeline and get a fresh start. And so, when we pitched that, a lot of those elements remained, but we were still looking for that emotional core for Michael. We were kind of exactly where we were in the beginning of Season 3, which led to her demise, quote unquote. So we went back and revisited [the idea of bringing her back to life]. And once we started talking about it, it was mentioned again that fans are still wondering about her. And when people who are fans of the show — and of Sarah — are asking, “Is she really dead?”, what they’re saying, essentially, is, “I hope she’s not dead.” And then it became a kind of groundswell.But then you have to get the actress to agree to return, which I assume was no easy task given the bad blood that seemed to exist last season.
Olmstead: There wasn’t bad blood on our side. It was a business decision. I understood where she was coming from in that she was given a provisional assurance that she was going to be a part of Season 3, but we had to revisit Season 3 a couple of times in the pitch stage in order to get it picked up. Fox was still looking for that emotional hook. Once we came up with the idea of her character going away, that gave us what we needed to push things over the edge. And although we were comfortable with it, she wasn’t. I also understand on a personal level how it factored in. She was pregnant at the time and looking forward to giving birth, and this wasn’t something she was interested in doing.What changed for her that she’s willing to come back now?
Olmstead: She and I spoke a couple of days ago at length about what we have come up with creatively for her character…. We’re jumping ahead a little bit in the timeline. There’s a little bit of a mystery period for all of these characters in terms of how they got where they are and what happened to them. And we have some interesting things for her, and she responded to them creatively. We won’t just be picking up where we left off with her character. And she won’t be a damsel in distress waiting for her hero to return. There are some complicating factors involved with her character and things that she’s looking forward to. So we spoke about it, she thought about it, and we made a deal.No hard feelings, then? Everyone’s moving on?
Olmstead: Moving on. She’s a very smart lady, and we’re all adults here. It was never personal. It was a business and creative decision, and we’re absolutely moving on.Can you say how she’ll be reintroduced next season?
Olmstead: It’s going to be about figuring out what happened to her during that mystery period [between the end of Season 3 and the start of Season 4], and how she and Michael deal with it.How much time will have lapsed?
Olmstead: About a month. Enough to jump past expected events that we left hanging at the end of Season 3, answering those things, but also moving forward.And Sarah is onboard for the entire season?
Olmstead: Yes.Congratulations 🙂
48 Responses to “[urgent] Prison Break Season 4 & Sara Tancredi returns!”
I love prison break, it so cool.it so great that sara is alive
so glad that sara’s coming back…i love prison break so much, can’t wait for season 4..
me too 🙂
greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat am soooooooooooooo glad keep moving prison break
i love you wentworth miller you are the best actor ever and the sexest ever mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
je souhaite que sara retoure donne la season 4
honestly, can’t wait for continuation, its d best film ever shown, scofield is da best, sarah tancredi, very welcome back on board.
u seem guys very eager to this show 🙂
Bringing back Sarah was a really good idea. A soon as I saw the head in the box, and a cauth that it was Sarah’s, I close the tv and I stop watching this show, but now, i will continue to watch it!
im super duper glad that sara is back!
i really think fox should treat micheal right for what he’s done and sacrificed through out the time. He deserves to have sara back into his poor lonely heart
oh damn it ! i love this show and its good to hear sarah is back 😀 what a sexy lady muahahaha the best series ive ever watched , congrats sarah, u r always ours , forever and ever
i love prison break and wentworth is hot.love him but i feel sory for sucre and micheal they have to go through all this trouble. trust me sara is not dead.thats not her real head!!
Now, is sara Tancredi back to season 4, or no?
Yes or no???????????
yes !!
I’m glad you coming back Sara.
You made the show you, hope you and mike have a happy ending.
It isent right bcs on a episode LJ said he was there when she removed her head.
That’s so good that Sarah is still alive. I can’t wait ontill season 4 comes. Wentworth Miller you are a really good actor.
Prison Break is the best show ever.I love you Sarah & Wentworth so much you guys act really good.It was a really cool idea that sarah is still alive, If she was dead I would of been really sad. Without sarah the season was really bad.By the way No, because LJ said he closed his eyes h didn’t see anything.
I am really happy 😀 I love PB. Without Sara,something would be missing.
“Prison break looker said: (Tuesday 22 April, 2008 )
It isent right bcs on a episode LJ said he was there when she removed her head.”
It’s true, I saw it too. But as far as i remember he said he only heard how she did it, as his eyes were shut…
I’m soo glad she’s comming back,, i was freeking out when i saw the head!!
Wentworth and Dominic!! they are awesome!!
It’s soooo cooool she’s coming back. Can’t wait for the 4th season!!!
hello loyal fans,
Prison Break is my favorite show. I can’t wait to see what happens in season 4. I’m glad that Sara will be back because I like to see Michael reunited with her. I can’t wait to see Michael’s reactions when he sees her. I adore Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell. Thank you.
Ufufuuuuuuuuu I’m very happy. I want to see next season of Prison break.
Sarah >o
When is Season 4 coming out????????????????????????????????????????? cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Credo sia fantastico che il personaggio di Sara rientri nella 4 stagione.
Mille grazie a tutte le persone che hanno lavorato e che continuano a lavorare per portarci sullo schermo PRISON BREAK.
Im really glad sara tancredi would be back.. i realy liked her.. and her character too.. wish she will have happy ending with michael scofield.. i loved them both!
Didn’t CJ say he saw them kill sara?
Corey; yes .. he guessed. He said he couldn’t look at them killing her.
P.s. He is LJ (Lincoln Junior) not CJ 🙂
Welcome back Sara
As an israeli from israel that doesnt watch a lot of americian movies i could tell you even though that ,that prison break is real great and refresshing reallly i was never so attached to a movie before like to this one oh and if you could do me a favor and email the estimaited date of season four it will really help me thanks
Season 4 will premiere September 1, 2008 with a 2-hour special.
That sucks she should stay dead. If you killed her character find a new one, now you come and say no she’s not dead because lincoln didn’t look but he was pretty shore that was her in season 3. Make up your mind
And why they should make an new season though ?! so Michael can take revenge !! … this is not enough and will make the series look boring & ridiculous ..!
rivky .. i think that you dont have to say that you are “an israeli from israel” ..
just comment without mentioning that %^&%# detail of yours, ok !!!
Welcome back Sarah. You 2 look gud 2gether>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
23 days remaining till the primetime
I can swear i remember lincoln’s son saying he saw them chop off her head. I think this is stupid. Anyone who stopped watching the show cause sara died is the reason tv sucks.
No, he said they killed Sara but later he said that he couldn’t look at her that time.
i’m glad sara is back….
and they look cute 2gether…
did’nt lj say to susan b i saw you kill sarah and lincoln needs to have big eyes next time but im really sure that was sarah’s head.Will the brothers ever have a happy ending
Lincoln hardly looked at what was inside the box for no more than 3 seconds, simply it may be any other woman’s head.
Anyhow I’ll put inshallah a new official Wallpaper fro season 4 and of course the new characters as well.
i love this film i have nt been able to stop watching, i love seeing wentworth miller and am also happy dat sara is back now episode 4 is goin to be more interesting . This film must win awards and so those the character.
thank god…….i’m an indian n we dont have that TVchannel here……..so we download the serial……..i quit watching after sara’s death………think….. time to continue downloadin……..
anyone here know emailid r any thing to contact sara……..
Dude pavan wht’s up wit u n Sarah Tankredi….????