“Look out Robert Anton Wilson! Either David Icke is competing for the “Paranoid of the Decade” award or he knows something the rest of us don’t. Icke reveals a sinister web connecting everything from the British royal family to major oil companies, to 33 of the last 40 U.S. presidents, in a global conspiracy masterminded by an interstellar brotherhood vying for planetary control through the manipulation of humanity’s very way of life. Icke digs into every facet of contemporary society to expose the invisible horror lurking beneath the calm veneer of everyday life. In the process he gets downright offensive, knocking everything from Judaism to the Denver airport. Even if you can’t swallow Icke’s distasteful revelations or follow every step of his labyrinthine conspiracy theories, The Biggest Secret is sure to forever change the way you look at the Amoco oil logo.”
Brian Patterson

Product Description
David Icke’s most powerful and explosive book so far. Every man, woman and child on the planet is affected by the stunning information that Icke exposes. He reveals in documented detail, how the same interconnecting bloodlines have controlled the planet for thousands of years. How they created all the major religions and suppressed the spiritual and esoteric knowledge that will set humanity free from its mental and emotional prisons

Some Excerpts:
“There have been just over 40 Presidents of the United States and 33 of them have been genetically related to two people, England’s King Alfred the Great and Charlemagne, the famous monarch in 9th century France. Throughout this whole period the agenda of this bloodline has been gradually implemented until we have reached the point today where
centralised global control is possible.”

“And The Truth Shall Set You Free. I call this technique problem-reaction-solution. Create the problem, encourage the reaction “something must be done”, and then offer the solution. It is summed up by the Freemason motto ‘Ordo Ab Chao’ – order out of chaos. Create the chaos and then offer the way to restore order. Your order.”

“Go back to the original sound and the original pattern returns immediately. It is like the waves that form the concentric circles of the planetary orbits around the Sun I mentioned in the last chapter. The solar system is also the creation of sound. Everything is. In the beginning was the word and the word was… sound.”

“their original homeland is the Caucasus region and southern Russia, not Israel. See …And The Truth Shall Set You Free for a detailed and sourced account of this story and the secret society manipulation that was behind the creation of Israel, or Rothschildland as it really is.”

“The Hebrew and Christian religions are the inventions of those who controlled the underground stream of secret knowledge. Even the ritual garbs are the same in so many ways. What do Jewish people wear? Skull caps. What does the Pope wear? A skull cap. This is symbolic of the way priests in the mystery schools used to shave the backs of their heads. The more formal headgear and ritual of Judaism and Christianity are also very similar because they originate from the same source and the Pope’s mitre is the fish head symbol of Nimrod.”

“Switzerland remains a fundamentally important financial stronghold for the Brotherhood. This is why it is never attacked and never takes part in wars, even when every country along its borders is involved. Switzerland is a major financial centre for the people who are creating the wars and so they ensure it is not involved. See how simple history becomes when you know the Agenda!”

Book Info.
# 517 pages
# Publisher: David Icke Books
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0952614766
# ISBN-13: 978-0952614760
# PDF | 6mb

2 Responses to “Book Review: The Biggest Secret”

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