Famous Tech News Blog Gizmodo has made a challenge “use your skills to depict Steve Jobs as either good or evil” and this is the winning image.

19 Responses to “Steve Bin Laden [a.k.a Osama Bin Jobs]”

  1. Nice
    see this Video
    its Steve Jobs speech in Stanford graduation.

  2. whaaaaa******just like him[u]

  3. love Him sooooo muchhhhh.,[sir] osama bin laden,. faisel hoesein,.,.

  4. love Him sooooo muchhhhh.,[sir] osama bin laden,. faisel hoesein,.,.abdoelrahman,.,

  5. still alive,.and laving,.,.,.,,..

  6. alive,. and laving.,.,.

  7. al-hamdoelilah.biesmilah,.for [u]bin laden.osama

  8. al-hamdoelilah.biesmielah for [u] osama bin laden,.,.,.,.,.,.,

  9. yes man,.greetihxxxxxxxxx,.,.awesome man,.,. old man popeye///,.,.,/wal-ham-doe-li-lah,.,.,/kabulrahman.,.,/.

  10. off topic.,.,and no more heroes,.,.baby,,.love you.,.,so live itt like that.,.,

  11. wal-hamdoe-lilah brothers.,.,.greetings to himmm,.,.,.,.,,.old man popeye;/./.’;.,.,././love himmmmm[sir].,..

  12. thanks ibrahim for that.,.,.

  13. Name kabulrahman says:

    thanksxxx to ibrahim,.,.

  14. kabulrahman [faisel] says:

    we are back./,/,/,.[u] sir.

  15. kabulrahman [faisel] says:

    thanxxxx ibrahim,,.,./;

  16. kabulrahman [faisel] says:

    love[u] sir,..,

  17. s.f.abdoelrahman says:

    i am back and still love him so muchhhh.[sir]o.b.l greethings to him the holy wan1

  18. s.f.abdoelrahman says:


  19. bey teak cear [..'[‘[‘[‘],.././[‘. boem-boem///////////