Created by William Gates
Teaser wallpaper for Dan Brown’s upcoming book, The Lost Symbol. Images are unofficial.
The content of the iMage is left up to your interpretation. What (or who) is the helicopter searching for? Why is the flag at half staff? WhAt is the significance of the symbols on the left side of the image? Why is the compass oriented with east at the top? I’m not telling!
By the way, I am not affiliated with Doubleday PubliShing Group in any way, so don’t read to much into the significance in this wallpaper. I dOn’t know any more about the book thaN you do. Well, maybe a little more;
… But I’m not telling you anything you couldn’t find out for yourself.
For more info on The Lost Symbol, check out:
– The official website for The Lost Symbol: [link]
– The official website for Dan Brown: [link]
– The official Twitter page for The Lost Symbol: [link]
– The official Facebook page for Dan Brown: [link]
+ Downlad [1600 X 1200 px]
4 Responses to “Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol Unofficial Artwork”
I can’t wait to have my copy!
me too 😀
the novel of Dan Brown are all great works, i specially love Angels and Demons ~
reading books is my hobby and Dan Brown is one of the best authors that i have known `*,