After playing the single player demo and reading some of the latest reviews, it seems Guerrilla Games latest shooter may have been unfairly nit-picked to the point of ridiculousness by some of the more popular gaming networks. Here is what game-insider had to say:
From the gameplay of this demo it is truly hard to believe any respectable gaming journalist would actually undercut this experience with negative propaganda based on some self righteous quest to be different. These reviews might be going beyond the point of an opinion. They can appear to become over-exaggerated banter with no respect for the herculean development efforts put forth by Guerrilla Games.
From complaints that the cut-scenes go black causing too much delay between the action, the dialogue being considered flat and boring with no real need to listen, to being called a ‘miserable experience’, and not offering anything new to the genre which I must add is a complete double-standard, this demo begs to differ in a big way. In fact this demo which more than likely doesn’t scratch the surface of the full experience makes an embarrassing mess of the holes found in some the latest reviews.
Nevertheless, this is only a demo.
To our gaming journalist brother and sisters who tirelessly and HONESTLY place the interest and concerns of gamers before their very own, I salute you.
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