did some Javascript benchmarks on the new iPad running iOS 4.3 and compared them with other iOS devices and a few Androids.
The results are pretty impressive. Â Where the iPhone 4 and iPad lagged behind both Android devices using iOS 4.2, popping iOS 4.3 with the new WebKit 2 browser engine in the devices dropped more than half of their rendering time.
As you can see, the iPad 2, with its more powerful processor, and perhaps helped by some additional RAM, is over 50% faster than the previous iPad.
One Response to “iPad 2 Speed Test shows it’s 4x Faster than Original iPad”
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- iPad vs iPad2 - iPad vs iPad2... iPad 2 Speed Test shows it's 4x Faster than Original iPad | Gradly...
I also found a video on this.
It shows how fast the iPad 2 is compared to the Original iPad.
[Comment tweaked]