Tracks Listing:

Disc: 1 – 00:58:46
1. Overture
2. The Grid
3. The Son Of Flynn
4. Recognizer
5. Armory
6. Arena
7. Rinzler
8. The Game Has Changed
9. Outlands
10. Adagio For Tron
11. Nocturne
12. End Of Line
13. Derezzed
14. Fall
15. Solar Sailer
16. Rectifier
17. Disc Wars
18. C.L.U.
19. Arrival
20. Flynn Lives
21. Tron Legacy (End Titles)
22. Finale

Disc: 2 – 00:12:53
1. Encom Part I
2. Encom Part II
3. Round One
4. Castor
5. Reflections

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