An internet scan of Spanish gaming magazine Hobby has potentially revealed some interesting details about the next Tomb Raider game. As reported by G4tv via neogaf, the game is a reboot of the series and features a younger, grungier Lara Croft, but according to the info in Hobby, Croft’s latest outing is going to be downright gnarly, with pain and injury to the iconic character as a big part of the game.

Here’s a translation of how the magazine describes the start of the game:

“Lara wakes up tied up and hanging upside down in a dark cave, having no idea about how she got to that situation. The first thing is getting out of there. The solution to this task already shows the new spirit of this game: to release her from her captivity: we have to hurt Lara. Making her swing, we have to make her approach a torch to put her on fire. That way, her ties will burn and she will be released, but at the same time she gets burn as well. You see: you have to make her have a bad time to get out of the situation. But the problems haven’t ended. Just after getting released, Lara falls over a bar of iron which punctures her in her side. With the face deformed by the pain, the young girl has to put it out rudely. We help her pressing a button as quickly as possible, in one of the common activities in this game: quick time events. While we are looking for an exit to the game we find an intriguing altar…”

On a gameplay level, Tomb Raider will feature a semi-open world, where exploration is encouraged, although, according to the game’s developers, this isn’t Grand Theft Auto, so it sounds like it won’t be a totally open world. Lara will gradually gain abilities and weapons as she progresses, going from a relatively green youngin to a more experienced adventurer throughout the game.

Tomb Raider will take a page from Batman: Arkham Asylum in that it will give you an investigative view. By pressing a button you’ll activate a view which will put a different color on “interesting” elements in the environment: the background and non relevant objects will be shown in shades of grey and the clues in yellow.

So what do you guys think: Are you excited for the Tomb Raider reboot?

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