According to Financial Times, two long-time members belonging to the hacker group Anonymous says it’s likely that other group members were behind the attack that took Sony by surprised–contrary to what the group said yesterday in their press release, released yesterday.

Sony has said in a letter to the US Congress that it found evidence suggesting Anonymous’ involvement but has not directly accused the group of the crime, which exposed millions of customer accounts.

One member from the group told FT that he saw the technical details of the vulnerability in Sony’s network prior to the attack on the PlayStation Network; the member added, “The hacker that did this was supporting OpSony’s movements”.

Another long-time member of the Anonymous group told FT that it’s very likely that other members from the group hacked Sony, “If you say you are Anonymous, and do something as Anonymous, then Anonymous did it,” said the hacker, who uses the online nickname Kayla. “Just because the rest of Anonymous might not agree with it, doesn’t mean Anonymous didn’t do it.”

We’re not sure who to believe? More on PSN hack here.

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