As part of the ongoing lawsuits between Apple and Samsung, started back in April when Apple sued Samsung over the “look and feel†of the Galaxy phones and tablets. This Is My Next points to an interesting piece of information as now Samsung is requesting to see some of Apple’s unreleased final and commercial versions of products . Namely the iPad 3 and the next iPhone, be it iPhone 4S or iPhone 5. This is to ensure and evaluate if their future products, like the Droid Charge and the Galaxy Tab 10.1, could share similar features with them.
This move comes after Apple requested to see some of Samsung’s unreleased products, which most of which were publicly released before, Droid Charge, Galaxy Tab 8.9, Galaxy Tab 10.1, Infuse 4G and Galaxy S 2. Providing that only Apple legal team will get access to the devices. Similarly now Samsung says only the company’s lawyers would be able to see the iPhone 5 and iPad 3, with no one else inside the company getting access to the units.
Samsung’s asking for a court order requiring Apple to produce “the final, commercial versions†of the next-generation iPhone and iPad and their respective packaging by June 13, 2011, so it can evaluate whether there’ll be confusion between Samsung and Apple’s future products. If the final versions aren’t available, Samsung wants “the most current version of each to be produced instead.
Samsung says “fundamental fairness†requires Apple to give up its future products, since Samsung had to do the same. Tellingly, Samsung doesn’t reference any precedent or law to bolster this line of argument — it’s basically just asking the court to be nice.
The full breakdown of Samsung’s latest request can be read over This Is My Next
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