iPad 2 is the only device left without jailbreak or accurately Apple’s A5 processor-based architecture in iPad 2 and later iPhone 4S/5 seems a hard puzzle to solve. The Limera1n exploit, which worked on A4-based iOS devices like iPod touch 4G and iPhone 4, is hardware-based and, since iPad 2 is A5-based, the exploit doesn’t work on it. And so the community has to find an all-new exploit this time around.

iPhone hacker Comex and his JailbreakMe tool, which worked on a userland exploit, used to jailbreak iOS 4.0/4.0.1 with a very simple method of “slide to jailbreak” bar and Comex’s tool did the rest. However the exploit was later patched in iOS 4.0.2.

Today, Comex has updated his website for the tool JailbreakMe. The updated page teases an image:

The image shows a signboard with the word “PDF” written on top of it. this is might be pointing towards a potential PDF-based exploit. however its highly likely the new tool would work on iPad 2. Comex teased a lot of tweets:

We just pin our hopes for an untethered jailbreak for iPad 2 as well as other iOS devices on iOS 5 which is set to release this fall.

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