NOTE: Please, remember this is not recommended for anyone, take it at your own risk

The news came in a video that recently hit the Web. The PDF file in question, which appears to have leaked from a JailbreakMe beta tester, is currently circulating online, and we’ve included a link to it below if you’re interested in taking the solution for a spin. Remember, first, that this is not the final release – so proceed with caution.

In order to jailbreak your device, simply click this link in Safari for iOS. Safari should close, a pop-up box should appear and you should be able to jailbreak your iPad 2.

Here’s the video, and remember: Be careful. And if you decide to take the jailbreak solution for a spin, let us know how it works for you in the comments.

Update 1:

@Comex, the hacker behind the JailbreakMe, has responded to the leaked iPad 2 jailbreak that was apparently stolen by a beta tester. He tweeted:

Congratulations, some moron used a dictionary attack(?) to leak a buggy version and put me on a useless time limit.

Let’s hope the time limit isn’t too short… hasn’t been in the past but could always change. Everyone use TinyUmbrella and save 4.3.3.

Hopefully, Apple isn’t able to close the exploit before comex finishes the jailbreak. To be safe please follow comex’s advice and save your SHSH Blobs.

Save SHSH Blobs:

You can get TinyUmbrella from here (for Windows) or here (for Mac OS X) and then click on “Save SHSH Blobs.”

Update 2:

Check out the real story behind iPad 2 Jailbreak here

5 Responses to “iPad 2 Jailbreak on iOS 4.3.3 Using JailbreakMe 3.0 Now Available [Updated]”

  1. The safari closed and there is No Cydia!

  2. It was taken down by what is believed to be comex. It only worked for iPad 2 wifi and was the beta version. IE, unsafe.

  3. This is so weird that someone would leak this.
    Usually the jailbreak crowd is the very pinnacle of maturity and professionalism.


  1. iOS 4.3 Jailbreak iPad 2 | CCC Search - [...] 10.iPad 2 Jailbreak on iOS 4.3.3 Using JailbreakMe 3.0 Now Available … Jul 2, 2011 … iPad 2 Jailbreak…
  2. The Real Story Behind The iPad 2 Jailbreak Leak | Gradly - […] of you know by now that Comex’s long-awaited iPad 2 jailbreak was leaked. As the hacker was putting the…