The hackers’ collective Anonymous may have obtained “literally explosive” information concerning Bohemian Grove, an annual gathering of power brokers from the US and Europe set to meet this week in California, which many see as an avenue through which elitists secretly manipulate world affairs.

Bohemian Grove is a privately owned 2,700 acre compound in Monte Rio, California surrounded by giant old-growth redwood trees. Once a year it plays host to a bizarre confab attended by some of the most powerful people in the world, including many US politicians and government officials, during which participants embroil themselves in a heady mixture of plutocratic plotting and occult pagan ritual ceremonies.

Anonymous and Lulz Security (LulzSec), which has recently retired, groups have been responsible for millions of dollars worth of damages to many institutions worldwide, including the CIA, U.S. Senate, Nintendo, Sony and others. They took down the CIA’s website, hacked Sony’s servers, released sensitive documents from the Arizona state government and attacked the U.S. Senate’s website.Sony and the International Monetary Fund.

The Anonymous group has already announced its intention to occupy the entrance to the Bohemian Grove compound as a protest against the group’s secrecy, may also be about to leak a whole treasure trove of information about the organization as part of what has been dubbed “the biggest day in Anonymous’s history”.

As part of a series of hacks conducted to protest the treatment of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, to whom Anonymous has attached itself, the collective says it is about to unleash “literally explosive” material on a number of organizations, including the London Metropolitan Police and other agencies connected to the UK judicial system.

The hacks are timed to coincide with Assange’s appeal hearing against extradition, which begins today.

According to a report in the Guardian, one of the targets of the hacks could well be the Bohemian Grove club.

“Speculation centers around material claimed to have been obtained last week from contractors relating to security and secrecy of “former world leaders”, or plans to target a senior leaders’ retreat at Bohemian Grove, California,” write the Guardian’s James Ball and Charles Arthur.

Alex Jones made history in 2000 when he became the first journalist to capture on video the ‘cremation of care’ ceremony, where Grove members dressed in Eyes Wide Shut-style hooded capes make a mock child sacrifice to Moloch, the pagan owl god, represented as a 50 foot statue carved out of a hollowed redwood tree.

Although the establishment media routinely claims the event is little more than a holiday camp, in 1942 it was the setting for the birthplace of the Manhattan Project, which led to the creation of the atomic bomb, a story often retold by Grove members who are proud of the fact that the most important scientific development of the 20th century was conceived there.

Watch the video below in which Anonymous announces its attention to protest the secrecy surrounding Bohemian Grove by occupying the entrance to the compound.

[via infowars]

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