If you are running the Mac OS X Lion GM build and you want to buy and install the Final release of Lion through the Mac App Store, you’ve noticed that you’ll get that’s already “installed” App Store. To work around you just need to hold Option and click on the Install button to be able to install the final release over GM. You can also do this through the “Purchases” tab in the Mac App Store, just hold down Option to enable the “Install” button.

Note: if you’re a developer who is running the Lion GM build 11A511 there is technically no need to install the Lion Final, both builds are 11A511 and identical.

This is also a way for those who inappropriately downloaded Lion GM to pay Apple for the final release. It’s only $29.99. Developers needn’t do this however thanks to The Loop for getting this tip.

2 Responses to “Install OS X Lion Final Release Over Lion GM Guide”

  1. This is not working for my GM version of Lion. I installed the GM the day before the OS was released on the App Store and would like to thank Apple for creating the OS by purchasing it at thirty dollars– option click is not working on my macbook unibody.

    • If you have already the Lion Install file then this will not work! get rid of the install file / back it up on external storage then try