The chipset for the XBOX 360 successor, XBOX 720, was put into production earlier this year, and will be going into mass production by the end of 2012 according to a technology news report by Fudzilla.
Recent speculation that the new main System on a Chip (SoC) for the Next Xbox (or Xbox 720, if you like) began production is apparently accurate; the SoC did indeed start production in late December of 2011. Sources tell us that the code name for the chip is Oban, and it is being produced by both IBM and Global Foundries for Microsoft.
The report also goes on to add “the power behind the next Xbox will be a PowerPC CPU that is married to an ATI Southern Islands GPU, or modified 7000 series.â€. This overall boost in power will make the 720 almost 6 times more powerful as it’s predecessor.
The Xbox 720 will probably not be announced at this years E3. But the chances are, it will be in stores by Christmas 2013 onwards. Furthermore developer kits will be distributed later this year, so the public won’t be getting it anytime soon.
The Wii U is still scheduled for release December 2012. However, will Microsoft attach a Blu Ray player onto the new console even if they have to pay royalties to Sony?
[via nyleveia]