God of War 4: Ascension box art leaked

God of War 4: Ascension box art leaked

God of War 4 has been announced by Sony exclusively for the Playstation 3. The PS3 exclusive will take place before the events of the first God of War.

Titled God of War: Ascension, the game’s box art that was leaked showing Kratos struggling to break free from chains. Watch the tease trailer below:

God of War: Ascension will be coming exclusively to PlayStation 3. For those of you who haven’t had a chance to check out what the team at Sony Santa Monica Studios has been working on

Evidence of an imminent God of War 4 reveal has been piling up for some time now until the final announcement today.

Update #1:

The official PlayStation product page for God of War: Ascension now uses the tagline “Before he was a God, he was a man” and sets a Spring 2013 release date.

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  1. God of War: Ascension First Details Revealed | Gradly - [...] promised Sony has released the first God of War: Ascension details. The game expands the experience into [...]