All jailbreakers in the world breathed a sigh of relief as Absinthe 2.0 update brought untethered jailbreak for almost all iOS 5.1.1 devices, including the A5 iPhone 4S and iPad 2, and A5X new iPad 3. However some devices including A4 devices already had a tethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1.1. Chronic Dev Team has released the Rocky Racoon 5.1.1 Untether package in Cydia to convert a tethered into untethered jailbreak right away. You can check our tutorial on how to use Absinthe 2.0 here
Similar to Corona package that followed Absinthe back for iOS 5.0.1, Rocky Racoon will convert your existing tethered jailbreak to an untethered one without requiring any obstacles or even wiping your content.
To install the package, launch Cydia on your tethered jailbroken iPhone 4, iPad or iPod touch, search for Rocky Racoon 5.1.1 Untether. Install the package.