Adobe Announces Projects Mighty and Napoleon

Adobe Announces Projects Mighty and Napoleon

At MAX 2013, Adobe XD announced Projects Mighty and Napoleon which consist of a Wacom-like stylus and a digital ruler. The devices are cloud connected to your Creative Cloud account. Check out the video below:

Mighty is pressure sensitive, which helps it draw a natural and expressive line. It is also connected to the Creative Cloud through the software and a local Bluetooth LE connection. We have used this connection to pull up Kuler themes and enable a “cloud clipboard” which gives you access to assets you have saved to the cloud for reuse.

Our little ruler (Napoleon, get it?) creates a digitally projected edge that you can use to accurately draw shapes and lines. It just feels right.

One Response to “Adobe XD Announces Projects Mighty and Napoleon”

  1. ibrahimmbi says:

    i love when software and hardware mix for a certain softwar, when its like this piece of hardware is for x software besides the devices are engineered in a beautiful way and the integration is seamless and i liked that too … loved it 🙂