The video below is an exclusive Wired video that shows Xbox One TV integration. As noted by a NeoGAF user, Microsoft seems to have faked the Xbox One Live demo reveal and judging by the video the actual UI is choppy, slow, and not smooth the way it looked like during the reveal:
User jaypah said, “Yeah, we found out shortly after the show. Apparently that wasn’t the actual episode of Price is Right that was live at the time. Plus there were videos of an actual demonstration and while it worked OK (choppy video on initial channel pull-up), it wasn’t as smooth as the stage presentation.â€
User Kyoufu said, “Yeah there’s a video interview where they actually show the real UI with the snap feature runs at like 5 frames per second. They faked all of it on stage.”
For me, I have noticed two things that caught my eye which should prove the demo was actually staged:
1- Yusuf Mehdi, who gave the demo, had to put his left hand into his pocket whenever he talked to Kinect and issued a command:
2- I know that Bing changes the background in a daily basis (correct me if I’m wrong), so how come, Bing showed the same image during the demo which was shown again on the prepared footage, which must be done since weeks or even months ago, while showing the Xbox features and specs?:
Microsoft is already in hot water following a disastrous Xbox One announcements with vague features and lack of clear responses especially for DRM and used games issues.
However, the company should be prepared for another backlash if the presentation turns to be totally staged.
To watch the full Xbox reveal, watch the video below: