God of War Trilogy Soundtrack

Sony’s official website for God of War III is making the trilogy’s soundtrack available for a free download directly from the website itself. It’s not known why the soundtrack is being offered at the moment, but it’s not surprising either – I seem to remember the God of War website also distributing the soundtracks to the previous games in a similar manner. No word on how long the download will be available either, so you might want to pick it up while it’s hot.

You can download the God of War Trilogy Soundtrack here. [300MB]

At first, the large size of the file got me hopeful – I thought they might actually be releasing the soundtrack in a lossless format. After all, this series has some of the most epic music in any video game I’ve played. Alas, it’s merely three discs in a decent mp3 quality of 256kbps. Still, free music is free music, so enjoy it!

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