
  • Revealing mistakes: Early in the movie, when Saito is asking Cobb and Arthur to attempt the inception, Cobb and Arthur are standing outside Saito’s helicopter speaking to Saito. The rotor blades are spinning and the engine is running but there is no air moved over the two characters; their hair and clothes remain unmoved. (In the wider angle which follows, with the helicopter and the actors in the same shot, the wind is affecting them.)
  • Continuity: When the cab gets hit the first time the front grille with the Hyundai logo gets smashed in and disappears. In the second scene the grille reappears and the car has less damage than the scene before. And in the warehouse scene the grille disappears one final time.
  • Continuity: When the white van emerges from the warehouse, the passenger side mirror strikes the warehouse door. However, in the next shot of van’s exterior the passenger side mirror is fully extended. In subsequent shots the mirror is flipped back once more.
  • Continuity: In the scene with the falling van, the sleeping Arthur is shown without the headphones originally placed on his head. Before the van hits the water, he’s wearing the headphones again.
  • Continuity: One car explosion shown twice. First is the shot of the car exploding in a fireball, filling the frame. Minutes later the same car is shown exploding in the same fireball, but as part of a bigger shot from further away, in the bottom half of the frame.
  • Continuity: When Cobb and Ariadne are sitting at a café, her hand movements from shot to shot are out of sync, as she adjusts her hair or picks up her coffee cup.
  • Continuity: In the scene where Eames is chasing down the Hummer with skiers trailing behind it, the number of skiers on the ropes alternates between five and six in different shots.
  • Continuity: When Arthur collects Cobb in Tokyo, they leave the hotel room and go to the roof for the helicopter – it is clearly at night. When they are on the roof, it is already daylight.
  • Continuity: When Cobb first meets Miles, there’s a hair on Cobb’s right shoulder that appears and reappears between cuts.
  • Continuity: In the scene where Saito enters the helicopter and informs Cobb about the inception plan. In one shot, there is hard rain hitting the window in the helicopter. However, in a subsequent shot, there is no rain outside.
  • Continuity: In the scenes where Arthur and Ariadne are looking at the hotel rooms in the second layer of dreams, Ariadne’s bun keeps moving back and forth on her head. (In one scene, it is on top of her head, in the next, it is near the back, then moves up again.)
  • Crew or equipment visible: When Fischer’s cab is being hijacked, numerous production markings are visible on the street.
  • Continuity: In the scene where Saito is defending Fischer, the ventilation cover is open after they enter through it, but closed when Saito is sitting next to it. The cover is open again when Saito throws the grenade into the ventilation shaft.
  • Continuity: In the first scene, when the guard says “he had only these”, and places Cobb’s gun and totem on the table, the totem is tilted with the longer end up and it is stable enough not to fall down. When Cobb is brought in, the totem is lying stable, with its long end down and short end up.
  • Errors in geography: When the characters are riding the JR Shinkansen (bullet train), Cobb says that he needs to get off in Kyoto. In the next scene, there is an aerial view of Tokyo, not Kyoto. The red-colored Tokyo Tower can be seeing in that scene and also in the rooftop scene the following morning where they board the helicopter.
  • Revealing mistakes: At the beginning and end of the film when Cobb meets Saito in limbo, the full-eye contacts to make Leonardo DiCaprio’s and ‘Ken Watanabe”s eyes look glossy and bloodshot are visible in the close-up shots.
  • Continuity: During the scene where Ariadne and Cobb are sitting at a café a man in a yellow jacket passes by behind Ariadne. The camera then switches to Cobb. When it switches back to Ariadne you can see that the man in the background passes here once again,
  • Factual errors: At one point in the third dream, Saito is seen throwing a frag grenade down a vent and it explodes into fire. Frag grenades do not do that, they explode into fragments; incendiary grenades explode into fire, and they look quite different from frag grenades.
  • Revealing mistakes: When the team busts into room 491 in the hotel, the door opens fractionally before Cobb’s foot hits it in the POV shot.
  • Continuity: In the warehouse scene between Cobb and Ariadne, a Nikon DSLR camera is behind him on a desk. It disappears and reappears between shots.
  • Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): Saito is the CEO of a large competitor to Fischer’s corporation, however Fischer does not appear to recognize or acknowledge Saito both in his dream or on the plane.
  • Plot holes: While the van is falling, it’s said that Arthur only have a couple of minutes to synchronize the kick; however, this time wouldn’t enough to realize all the actions performed by Arthur (tie the dreamers together, beat the guards, call the elevator, cut the cables, put the bombs and explode them).
  • Continuity: When Arthur is tying up the team in the hotel scene, you see that Eames’ arms are tightly bound to his sides by the cord. When Arthur is pushing them down the corridors, Eames’ arms are now floating freely. Then, when we see the view looking down into the elevator, his arms are once again bound tightly.
  • Continuity: In the Kyoto hotel room scene, Cobb lies his pistol on a coffee table before answering his door. After he lets Arthur into the room, the pistol is no longer on the table, but Cobb removes the pistol from his belt then places it into his bag.
  • Incorrectly regarded as goofs: The immigration form Cobb is given in the plane towards the end of the movie is the white I-94 form given to those coming to the US on a visa. While it’s true that US citizens need only fill out a smaller blue customs declaration form, Cobb clearly declines the form.
  • Plot holes: When in a dream, time passes 20x slower, so 10 hours on the plane translates to 7 days on the first dream level, which translates to 6 months on the second. The explanation given for this is that outside of a dream you are only using 5% of your brain capacity, whereas you are using 100% in a dream. However, this does not account for why there is another 20x slow-down in the second level of a dream – there can be no further increase in the use of brain capacity.
  • Incorrectly regarded as goofs: It is established that the sensation of falling triggers the sleeper to wake up (i.e. tripping the chair wakes the sleeper before hitting the ground). However, neither the van rolling over nor the van dropping from the bridge (nor the sensation of zero gravity in dream level 2) wakes the sleepers. This is because the sleepers were dreaming within their dreams, and had to get a kick from the lowest-level dream first to realize the upper-level kick.
  • Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): Dom slipped the sedative into Fischer’s drink on the plane. But since the stewardess was in on the plot, she could have slipped it in before with much less chance of detection.
  • Plot holes: It is established that the time on the dream (or level) moves quicker than the time at the dreamer level. But the music played at the dreamer level (as a warning for wakening) should be listened much slower at the dream level, which does not occur. The music is listened at the same speed.
  • Revealing mistakes: When Saito uses his teeth to pull the safety pin from a fragmentation grenade (extremely difficult to do in reality) the safety level (also known as the “spoon”) does not fly off and remains in place even after the grenade is thrown several feet into the opening of a vent.
  • Factual errors: The characters dream while on a 10 hour flight from Sydney to Los Angeles on a Boeing 747; in reality, a 747 flight from Sydney to LAX takes at least 13.5 hours.
  • Revealing mistakes: When Fischer opens the vault door after recovering from limbo the code he punches ends with digit 9 instead of 1 (528491).
  • Continuity: Within the scene in which Saito asks Cobb to perform inception in the helicopter, Cobb exits the helicopter first and then Arthur. However, the cut immediately following shows Arthur in front of Cobb as they walk out.
  • Incorrectly regarded as goofs: When the bus on the bridge hits the guardrail, they continue flying horizontally for some time, but the passengers immediately lose gravity. This is correct: weightlessness is caused by acceleration, not by speed. Falling is a vertical acceleration, and gravity will immediately cause the bus to fall as soon as it is no longer supported by the bridge.

+ Source: IMDB

One Response to “Inception Movie Mistakes & Errors !! Is it that goofy ?!”

  1. Wowwww, awesome yours descoverments !!! : 0 !!


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