I don’t know what’s going on with mysterious website Sure, there’s a countdown in there and even links to email and Twitter, but it’s their Youtube channel that creeps me out. Basically, the first video from SayHiToSpace went viral as it featured a creepy guy finding out that the iPad lacked a camera, then destroying it making a hole in the middle of the device with a water jet.

Here’s the first video:

A follow-up to that has been posted on Youtube, featuring the same guy — who actually sent the broken unit to Steve Jobs at Infinite Loop. To prove it, the DHL tracking number of the shipment was posted online.

As you can see on Youtube, the video description says the “iTablet” will be sold on eBay starting December 9th. I guess the piece that has been removed will be sold on eBay, meaning that the lucky winner will share a piece of the same iPad with Steve Jobs.

Awesome? Creepy? Check out the video yourselves.

[via: macstories]

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