• Here’s the list of NEW SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD as they were announced:

1.) The Great Wall Of China, CHINA.
2.) Petra, JORDAN.
The Statue Of Christ Redeemer, BRAZIL.
4.) Machu Picchu, PERU.
5.) The Pyramid Of Chichén Itzá, MEXICO.
6.) The Roman Colloseum, ITALY.
7.) The Taj Mahal, INDIA.




  • Here’s the list of OLD SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD:

sevenwondersmap.gif1.) Lighthouse of Alexandria
2.) Temple of Artemis
3.) Statue of Zeus
4.) Colossus of Rhodes
5.) Hanging Gardens of Babylon
6.) Mausoleum of Halicarnassusprtraa.jpg
7.) Pyramids of Egypt


+ Resources: Wiki, n7w, Pic.

9 Responses to “The New Seven Wonders Of The World !”

  1. Congratulations for arabian and orient civilization

  2. sho … sho … shoo?!! … kbeer

  3. good news to have petra at the second place of these seven BUT;
    UNISCO said that she will not consider them as the n7w ???
    i dont understand y ?

  4. i will tel u mr mbi
    unesco says that the standards used in electing those wonders are not accepted , and that wonders chosen according to people mode not specific qualifications ,
    but i dont care about this shit , i think those 20 wonders nominals are nice except statue of freedom of newyork ,and evil tower but others are nice
    i’m very proud that petra occupies 2nd in 7 wonders , but i’m wondering who voted for petra ? personally i voted 10 times by 10 emails !!

    so let unesco tbalet alba7ar

  5. Firstly, let me guys clarify something, I hope that PETRA got the 2nd place or even the 1st one, cuz these seven were revealed by a random order, and still nobody knows the poll stats so far.

    Secondly, we mustn’t care with UNESCO objections, cuz the seven wonders of the ancient world were introduced by a poet, Antipater of Sidon, and he chose only seven cuz this number was a sacred (holy) one in Ancient Greek.

    Are these standards UNESCO ?!!

    And if it weren’t a fair game, how could PETRA win, and Machu Picchu in PERU does?!! Is this enough!

  6. I still don’t understand how they can get rid of the pyramids at Giza.. so wrong!

  7. good point MR gradly .. “2f7amtany” … kol 7 wonders well petra b5eer 😉

  8. Rebellious Arab Girl; cuz the Pyramids are the one of the wonders of Ancient World, we cannot consider it ancient + new in the same time. it’s just a matter of logic, isn’t it?

    ibrahimmbi; we may vote for The dead See soon.

  9. Hi!
    Really Taj Mahal is beautiful and intresting place.I visit Taj Mahal.I want from people to go to the India and visit this nice place.