The first authorized biography of Steve Jobs which dubbed iSteve: The Book of Jobs by Walter Isaacson will be published in early 2012 by Simon and Shuster as announced sunday by ABCNews. Here is what Fortune had to say about the man who won Jobs’ trust:

The Jobs book will be his fourth major biography. In addition to Kissinger: A Biography (1992) he has written Benjamin Franklin: An American Life (2003) and Einstein: His Life and Universe (2007). His most recent book is American Sketches: Great Leaders, Creative Thinkers, and Heroes of a Hurricane (2009).

How did Walter manage to win the trust of Steve Jobs, a man whose penchant for secrecy, and his contempt for journalists, are legendary? Says Simon & Schuster editor-in-chief Priscilla Painton, Isaacson’s editor and a Time alumna: “It was Walter’s idea. And you know Walter — he just worked at it.” Fortune has a great profile on Isaacson who has a long history of convincing notable people to tell them their story.

The Jobs book was announced in February of last year but with no title and release date.

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