TCP Optimizer is a new and free Cydia tweak that modifies your iDevice’s settings to increase streaming speeds and improve its overall internet connection, including Wi-Fi.

How To install TCP Optimizer:

  • You must have a jailbroken iDevice
  • Add repository to Cydia.
  • Search for and install ‘TCP Optimizer‘. No Restart needed.

This actually will:

  • Increase theTCP Receive Buffer from 131072 to 292000,
  • Disable TCP delayed ACK’s
  • Double the number of possible un-ACK packets from 8 to 16 packages
  • Increase the size of un-ACK packets

TCP Optimizer is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, running iOS 3.1.2 or above; however, Its not recommended to be used on second generation Apple TVs.

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