Apple has seeded Mac OS X 10.7 Lion’s GM build to developers along with Server Edition and iCloud Beta 3. In a previous post we put tons of links to download OS X Lion GM. Now upgrade to Server Version and get iCloud Beta 3 in the below links:

The GM build is generally the build that consumers will end up with and ready for mass production; however, if any major bugs are found, there could always be another seed. Apple has also released a new preview for Xcode. You can download OS X Lion GM below: Links:

  • Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Server GM | 12.16 MB

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  • Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Server GM | 12.16 MB

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  • iCloud Beta 3 | 25.03 MB

[hide 1][hide 1] Links:

  • iCloud Beta 3 | 25.03 MB

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One Response to “Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Server GM and iCloud Beta 3 Download Now”

  1. Thanks, I am going to try the server app…