Apple, reportedly, has begun quality testing LCD displays from Samsung and LG for the iPad 3, according to a report in the Korea Times. A source claims that the LCD displays currently being tested are QXGA with a resolution of 2048 x 1536.
The resolution is double that in the current iPad display and taking the 9.7″ display would result in roughly 260 DPI. Although this is not above the supposed 300 DPI to be fit in Retina Display by taking into account that the iPad is normally held further away from the eyes than iPhone.
Apple’s upcoming iPad 3 will feature an improved display to support quad extended graphics (QXGA), a display resolution of 2048×1536 pixels with a 4:3 aspect ratio to provide full high definition (HD) viewing experience, said a source close to the talks
A new tidbit in the same manner comes from Daring Fireball‘s John Gruber who makes note of his speculations and referring to the large files found earlier which suggest a bigger resolution needed for a denser screens. He mentions that the iPad 3 will have a 2048×1536 Retina Display.
These magazines and newspapers that render each “page†as a static 1024 × 768 image are going to look like utter ass on the iPad 3’s 2048 × 1536 retina display.
Previous speculations pointed out the new iPad 3 (or iPad HD) will debut this fall.
[iPad 3 Concept image by Guilherme Martins Schasiepen]