We know that mobile devices such as iPad have become prominent devices for entertainment and gaming and are actually dominating the Game industry. John Riccitiello, the Electronic Arts CEO told IndustryGamers yesterday and this what he had to say about the matter:

Consoles used to be 80% of the industry as recently as 2000. Consoles today are 40% of the game industry, so what do we really have? I think that the pattern against which Nintendo is no longer resonating is over anyway. We have a new hardware platform and we’re putting out software every 90 days. Our fastest growing platform is the iPad right now and that didn’t exist 18 months ago.

The industry is undergoing a titanic shift, factors like the ease of publishing to the App Store, the extremely low cost to become a developer, the growth of free games and the rise of the female gamer (53% of mobile gamers are female) are rewriting the rules and making millionaires overnight.

Here is an in depth look infographic at the numbers and stats behind the game industry. pause your game for few minutes to take a look.

[via geekaphone]

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