After a slight legal setback, id finally released Doom 3‘s source code to the general public.

Doom 3

The legal issue involved a piece of technology incorporated in the game called ‘Carmack’s Reverse‘, a stencil shadowing technique in Doom 3.

The problem was that it wasn’t developed by Carmack alone, but rather a lot of programmers and as a result ended up patented by Creative Labs. A deal was worked out that allowed id to use the technology in Doom 3, free of charge.

So Carmack got to work on rewriting some of the code, it simply involved adding four lines of code and changing two.

No game data is included with the source code as it is still covered by the original EULA.

Find the code over on GitHub.

[via CVG]

2 Responses to “Doom 3 Source Code Released to the Public”

  1. PVS-Studio: analyzing Doom 3 code –

  2. More posts of this quatliy. Not the usual c***, please