When: Thursday, Mar 15th 2007, starting at 7:38am
Where: Ibbin village, Governorate of Ajloun, JORDAN
What: I was testimg my camera, and I was so pleased to be off-work that day, so the time was to take some cool pix all around of me. But the weather was so cold and hence I had to take these snapshots through the windows directly.
Click on any of these to see the full-sized version.
11 Responses to “SNOWY Moments in Ibbin”
mashalla mashalla
ya sedy ……….. neyalkom wallah
ya5y jebolkum hek akamen bekam ysobo 3na in irbid
Inshallah elsaneh eljaeh …
good pix dude … i think u should graphic design … the footers are fantasiticLY simple … but … i think you should reproduce ur “.NET” cause it looks like Microsofts … and am dying to see BETA ripped out of your logo for good … finaly good job my friend ;o) …
min ajmal men hathe almawage fi addunia .innha ibbin allurdun .good thinck.
ibrahimmbi; Ok man I will remove BETA very soon inshallah, but is “.NET” really annoying you? I’ll be glad to hear your suggestions.
ya man !!
I think you can design a better “.NET” than microsoft can do . and of the record speaking; what about ur mansaf is it ours !!? ;D) are you saying implicitly that we r invited ???
hay guys , how are you ???
I miss you sooooo much !!
I miss also your mansaf !!!
azooz; be careful, you always talk about manasef ?!!
Realy i miss ibbin & the snow i miss it to much. you know guys i am jodanian from ibbin leaving in dubai.
no body can feel how much he like his home only whene he leav out it….
best regard to evry body special Alla Al Mossa
Omar Al Momani
i miss my place i miss my village i miss my home . for whom taken this pictures thank you very much . pleas say hello to all there .
best regard
ibrahim almomani
UAE .Dubai
Hi …….
Realy i would like to thank the person whom take this nice pictures special my grand father house Al Haj Abed Alqder (Abu Akram),I hope to see some more pictures in the next snow.
with all my respect
Omar Al Momani
Dubai U.A.E