Instagram Feeds Now Available on The Web

Instagram Feeds Now Available on The Web

Since its inception in 2010, Instagram has almost remained an entirely mobile-only experience. That changed when the service was acquired by Facebook and they brought the profile page. Now, the company announced the ability to view the service feed on the web; by logging to your profile you will be able to view the latest photos posted by the people you follow as well as you can like (and double click to like) and comment on them.

“In fact, our focus on building out a mobile-only experience is a unique path that we’ve chosen for many reasons, the most important of which is that Instagram, at its core, is about seeing and taking photos on-the-go. However, to make Instagram even more accessible to our growing community, at the end of last year we started to expand to the desktop web, giving you the ability to see profiles from To continue that path, as of today, you can now browse your Instagram feed on the web – just like you do on your mobile device”

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