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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Fan Trailer

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Here is a fan-made trailer for highly anticipated movie, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The trailer looks good and feels like genuine. Warner Bros. Pictures has confirmed that the official trailer will be online at 7pm PST on Tuesday, December 20. So stay tuned! The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey will come to theaters December 14, 2012. The second film, The Hobbit: There and Back Again, will be released...

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The Hobbit Official Movie Synopsis Revealed

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey The official synopsis for Peter Jackson‘s highly anticipated movie,The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was revealed today. If you’ve read the book then you already know the story, but, this time prepare yourself for a movie being shot in 3D in 48 fps. Official Synopsis: The adventure follows the journey of title character Bilbo Baggins, who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf...

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Marc Webb’s ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ First Official Teaser Poster

The Amazing Spider-Man Columbia Pictures has unveiled the first official teaser poster for Marc Webb‘s The Amazing Spider-Man, starring Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker. You can check out the stylish design below, which features Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker scaling a wall and casting a distinctly eight-legged shadow. The tagline in the bottom cryptically teases that the 3D release will tell “The Untold Story“. The...

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Underworld: Awakening First Movie Trailer

Here is the first trailer for the fourth Underworld film Underworld: Awakening. It looks great, I enjoyed watching all the movies and this looks like it could end up being the best of the series, especially with Kate Beckinsale return to reprise her role in this, and she looks better than ever. Watch the trailer below: Movie Synopsis: After being held in a coma-like state for fifteen years, vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) learns that...

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Mind Blowing 3D Maps by C3 Technologies [Updated]

You are familiar with your current mapping services when it comes to Google Maps, Bing Maps or Google Earth, But a new technology will let you get beyond that and the Swedish company behind it thinks you actually deserve more and… seriously. Enter mind-blowing 3D mapping technology from Swedish startup C3 Technologies, the company that showcased their 3D maps on iPad at the CES show. Unlike your Ma and Pa’s maps, C3...

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The Darkest Hour Official Movie Trailer

Here is the movie trailer for the upcoming new Sci-Fi thriller The Darkest Hour, the story following a group of guys who visit Moscow and get encountered with alien invasion. Directed by Chris Gorak, the movie cast includes Emile Hirsch, Olivia Thirlby, and Max Minghella. The Official Synopsis: The Darkest Hour is the story of five young people who find themselves stranded in Moscow, fighting to survive in the wake of a...

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