The Division is offering a thrilling second-screen experience While Ubisoft‘s Watch Dogs was E3 2012 biggest surprise, Tom Clancy’s The Division was the star of this year E3. A Next-gen Third-person title with online, open-world RPG experience where exploration and player-progression are essential. In the wake of second screen concept, The Division will feature co-op mechanics that will allow a player with the companion app...
Read MoreTom Clancy’s The Division Video Shows Tablet Companion App Gameplay

PlayStation 4 User Interface

Watch Shuhei Yoshida starts GamesCom with PS4 User Interface We knew it that GamesCom would give us our first look at the PlayStation 4’s new user interface. Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida took to the stage to give us a brief run through the console’s main menus, and in realtime, he took part in a match of Killzone Shadow Fall, ending up by updating his Twitter account and sharing a screenshot of the running...
Read MorePlayStation GamesCom Full Press Conference

Sony at GamesCom 2013 In case you have missed all the announcements and media from Sony’s press briefing Sony has announced the release dates for PS4 with a bunch of new game titles coming this year for PS4, PS3 and Vita. A price cut on PS3 and Vita was also unveiled. Watch the full Sony Press Release below: ...
Read MoreRyse: Son of Rome ‘Gladiator Mode’ Trailer

GamesCom 2013: Ryse trailer puts players through the gauntlet Microsoft has released a new Ryse: Son of Rome trailer highlighting the game’s Gladiator Mode. According to the showcase, “Gladiator Mode lets you relive the intense and brutal battles of the Colosseum as you fight cooperatively with your friends against an ever-changing array of enemies to the roar of thousands of spectators.†...
Read MoreMicrosoft Says: Xbox One Has ‘The Best Games, The Best Exclusives’

Microsoft Reckons it has the strongest next-gen game line-up Microsoft has released a new Xbox One trailer highlighting the upcoming console’s game line-up. The list of exclusives includes Forza Motorsport 5, Dead Rising 3, Halo, Ryse: Son of Rome, Sunset Overdrive, and Killer Instinct. Titanfall will be released on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. ...
Read MoreWatch_Dogs Gameplay Series Part 1_Hacking is Your Weapon

Get A Closer Look At Hacking In Watch Dogs’ Chicago Ubisoft has released a new Watch Dogs, stilized as Watch_Dogs, gameplay video series that offers an insight into the unique features of its new open-world game. Watch the first episode below and take a look at game protagonist Aiden armored with his hacking skills in a city entirely connected to a central system called ctOS. ...
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