Push the Red Button to Add Drama To launch the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium, the crew placed a big red push button right in the middle of street in an average Flemish town. Above that button is a big arrow that says, “Push To Add Drama.” and they invited people to use the button, and then they waited. Find out what happened when someone pushed that button: This is quite a creative ad for TNT that is worth checking...
Read MoreCreative TNT Ad; Push the Red Button to Add Drama

Samsung Takes Another Jab at Apple With New Super Bowl Advert

Samsung Galaxy Note Samsung again hit with a new Super Bowl ad featuring the 5.3-inch Galaxy Note which is a tablet and a phone. Samsung‘s ‘The Next Big Thing’ moniker started around 3 months ago bashing Apple people waiting in lines to get the new iPhone. Watch the ad for yourself below and tell us what you think? To me, I don’t think having a stylus is something...
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New Samsung Ad Bashes iPhone Fans Samsung has dropped a new ad for their Galaxy SII touting the device larger screen and 4G speeds and bashing Apple fans who stand in line for the latest iPhone for days without knowing there is something better. So this is Samsung’s way to counter the incredible popularity of the iPhone. Watch the ad...
Read More5 TV Spots for Captain America: The First Avenger

A bunch of TV Spots for Marvel’s Captain America: The First Avenger has found its way in the web. Check them out: The cast includes Chris Evans as Steve Rogers, Hugo Weaving as Red Skull, Tommy Lee Jones, Stanley Tucci, Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter, Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes, Neal McDonough as Dum Dum Dugan and Toby Jones as Arnim Zola. Official Synopsis: Born during the Great Depression, Steve Rogers grew up a frail...
Read MoreSamsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 Ad Pranks iPad’s lack of Flash Support

Samsung has released an Ad for its new Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and again, like all rivals nothing but mocking the iPad for its lack of Flash support. Watch it...
Read MoreAll 66 Mac vs PC Campaign Ads

The Mac vs PC Campaign ads were some of the most entertaining advertisements on TV with John Hodgman (being a PC) and Justin Long (being a Mac). Unfortunately Apple pulled the plug on the fun last year. However, Adweek has compiled all 66 ads for your viewing pleasure. and they are ordered chronologically. All 66 ads were directed by Phil Morrison of Epoch Films for TBWA Media Arts Lab. 1. Better / May 2006. 2. iLife / May...
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