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Filesonic, Fileserve Pull File Sharing Services Following Megaupload Arrests

Filesonic, Fileserve Pull File Sharing Services Following Megaupload Arrests It didn’t take so long after the FBI shut down and arrested its staff, competitors and have made the decision to get rid of all file-sharing functionality from their own services. All these websites offer users the ability to upload any kind of file to the websites for their own personal storage, but also share a...

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SOPA and PIPA On Hold After Internet Protests

Anti SOPA and PIPA Banner If you were paying attention this week, you probably have noticed that on Wednesday, January 18th, few Websites, Wikipedia, Reddit, Google and Microsoft have gone blackout trying to stop the infamous controversial SOPA and PIPA Acts. The blackout has worked and both acts placed on hold indefinitely. As reported by Reuters, Lamar Smith, the Republican chairman of the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee...

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Hacker Group Anonymous Plans A Series Of Cyber Attacks on Sept 24

Hacktivist group Anonymous have been busy this year. The group issued a press release this morning announcing that they and other groups will protest all over the United States considering a nationwide “Day Of Vengence” that to take place in various cities across the USA on September 24, 2011. Various targets including Wall Street, Corrupt Banking Institutions and the NYC Police Department. Follow Twitter account @PLF2012 for...

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Hacker Group Anonymous Vows to Destroy Facebook on November 5

Hacker group Anonymous, which has been responsible for cyber-attacks on the Pentagon, Sony, News Corp, hacked into Iran‘s government emails, possibly the IMF, Anders Breivik’s Twitter account, and much more, has a new target in its crosshairs: Facebook. The hackers have set the date for Facebook’s demise as November 5, 2011. The reason? Ironically, they’re worried about privacy. Citing privacy concerns and the...

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