Apple has just released iOS 5.0.1. The update brings battery life fixes for all devices running iOS 5, as well as security improvements and multitasking gestures on the original iPad. Battery life issues are said to be fixed as well. iOS 5.0.1 update This update contains improvements and other bug fixes including: – Fixes bugs affecting battery life – Adds Multitasking Gestures for original iPad – Resolves bugs...
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Siri Successfully Ported to Run on iPhone 4 and iPod Touch

Siri has finally made its way to the iPhone 4 Developer Steven Troughton-Smith had successfully ported the Siri onto the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch. The video provided below not only shows the Siri functionality on an iPhone 4, but is in depth and shows a side-to-side comparison against the iPhone 4S. In addition, the video shows the Siri Dictation in action. iPhone 4S jailbreak was the key to make the port working successfully on iPhone 4....
Read MoreRedsn0w 0.9.9b7 Released, The Fastest iOS 5 Jailbreak for Mac & Windows

Dev-Team pushed another update to Redsn0w jailbreak for iOS 5. The news came from @MuscleNerd as always via Twitter explaining that Redsn0w 0.9.9b7 for Windows and Mac is the fastest jailbreak solution for iOS 5. Total jailbreak time has been reduced to 80 seconds which was previously around 210 seconds. However, this will stretch the first time loading of Cydia after jailbreak, during which the stashing of applications will occur. An...
Read MoreHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 On Your iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad or iPod Touch Using Redsn0w

iOS 5 gets tethered jailbroken using Redsn0w iPhone Dev Team has released an updated version of Redsn0w jailbreak tool. The new Redsn0w 0.9.9b5 that can jailbreak iOS 5 Important Notes: Its a tethered jailbreak Supported devices: iPhone4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1 and iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G. iPhone 4S and iPad 2 are NOT supported yet. iBooks will crash and not be working after the jailbreak. NOTE: Before you follow the below guide to...
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iOS 5 Release log Apple today released the final consumer version of iOS 5, a major and most ambitious upgrade to its mobile operating system yet. Apple has also released Find My Friends and AirPort Utility apps, enabled iCloud accounts for everyone, flipped the switch on the Newsstand Store and rolled out music re-downloading service dubbed iTunes in the Cloud in the U.K., Canada, Australia and other...
Read MoreSteve Jobs’ Biological Father: Abdulfattah Jandali

Abdulfattah 'John' Jandali, left, reached out to biological son Steve Jobs but the two never met. Mr. Abdulfattah “John” Jandali, 80 years old and general manager of the Boomtown casino in the barren hills outside Reno, Nevada, presides over a staff of around 450 casino workers and is praised by his colleagues for his quiet leadership style and a marketing savvy. Walking the floor on Friday, he was stopped by an employee...
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