JailbreakMe.com has officially returned after a series of promises, delays and leaks. The jailbreak, which was leaked this past weekend, promises to hack any iOS 4.3.3 including the infamous iPad 2 device with the touch of a button in iOS Safari. This is the easiest jailbreak in existence and it’s the first official iPad 2 jailbreak available, but also works on all other hardware capable of running iOS 4.3.3, including iPad,...
Read MoreJailBreakMe 3.0 Officially Goes Live, Jailbreak iPad 2 Now

Jailbreak iPad 2 with iOS 4.3.3 by Creating a Local Web Server

Want to jailbreak your iPad 2 running iOS 4.3.3? As you cannot wait for JailbreakMe 3.0 to be released? You can jailbreak your iPad 2 right now running iOS 4.3, iOS 4.3.1, iOS 4.3.2 and iOS 4.3.3 by creating your own local web server. No, it doesn’t have the ease or beauty of the expected JailbreakMe 3.0 release, and it’s not as simple as clicking on someone else’s hosted PDF files, but it works and it’s pretty...
Read MoreJailbreakMe 3.0 For iPad 2 Jailbreak Might Be Released Today

It turns out we will have un-ended stories regarding the upcoming iPad 2 Jailbreak. An email image spotted showing a conversation between Comex and MultiMediaWill, the one who previously leaked the iPad 2 jailbreak files. MultiMediaWill email to Comex: I don’t know if you got my tweets but I am truly sorry for the leak and If I knew it would turn out like this I wouldn’t have leaked it. I was so happy when I got the PDF...
Read MoreThe Real Story Behind The iPad 2 Jailbreak Leak

Most of you know by now that Comex’s long-awaited iPad 2 jailbreak was leaked. As the hacker was putting the finishing touches on JailbreakMe 3.0, the PDF exploit was leaked to the world. Someone publicly posted the new JailbreakMe files, and the links spread around the web like wildfire. The original dramatic story heard was that a trusted beta tester leaked the files. That would have meant Comex was betrayed by someone he trusted,...
Read MoreApple’s iOS Is More Secure Than Google’s Android!

An interesting report run by security experts at Symantec indicates that Apple iOS devices are much “less prone” to most security risks than Google’s Android platform. For its closed app distribution nature, the iOS is more secure and its increased resistance to resource abuse, data loss, and data integrity attacks among the factors. In a head-to-head comparison, Symantec found that iOS was just more secure in many...
Read MoreMac OS X 10.7 Lion Server GM and iCloud Beta 3 Download Now

Apple has seeded Mac OS X 10.7 Lion’s GM build to developers along with Server Edition and iCloud Beta 3. In a previous post we put tons of links to download OS X Lion GM. Now upgrade to Server Version and get iCloud Beta 3 in the below links: The GM build is generally the build that consumers will end up with and ready for mass production; however, if any major bugs are found, there could always be another seed. Apple has also...
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