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Introducing Google+ When the Search Giant Goes Social

Google, the world’s largest search company, is competing, apparently, with Facebook to become a major force in social networking. Google+ announced today and it looks promising. Not to mention, Google+ designed by one of the creators of the original Macintosh. Wired’s Steven Levy is reporting that Andy Hertzfeld, actually, played an essential role in the design of Google+. With colorful animations, drag-and-drop magic,...

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Leaked AT&T Documents Hint at LTE 4G iPad

LulzSec, the 6-man hacking group ended their 50 days reign of “hackery” but after revealing/embarrassing/corrupting/exposing numerous corporations/governments/servers, the guys came with one last act of mischief. They once again published confidential data recovered from their latest attack. One prominent folder is titled “AT&T.” other dumped files were leaked from AOL, Disney, Universal, EMI and the...

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LulzSec Retires, Ending All Hacking Activities

Popular hacking group LulzSec, responsible behind hacking the PSN, have announced that they will be retiring, exactly 50 days after forming the group. The group have released a farewell statement urging all its supporters to support the AntiSec movement, saying: “Again, behind the mask, behind the insanity and mayhem, we truly believe in the AntiSec movement. We believe in it so strongly that we brought it back, much to the dismay...

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Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Leaked French Trailer [UPDATED]

A Leaked poor-quality french trailer for the upcoming Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Certainly it is going to be one hell of a movie. Check it out now, before it gets pulled: This live-action flick is directed by Brad Bird (The Incredibles and Ratatouille). The cast includes Tom Cruise and Jeremy Renner, along with Paula Patton, Josh Holloway, Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg as the good guys, and Michael Nyqvist, Anil...

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iPhone and PS3 Hacker George Hots ‘GeoHot’ Now Works For Facebook

Hacker George Hotz ‘GeoHot’, who recently settled a lawsuit with Sony for publishing a PlayStation 3 crack online, now works for Facebook. His exact position with the company is unclear, but he may be on a the development team tasked with building the social network’s new Pad app. Geohot reportedly started working for Facebook last month but the announcement was made on 17th June only to be discovered...

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iOS 5 Beta 2 Jailbreak Using Redsn0w Guide

According to MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev-Team, the just-released iOS 5 beta 2 can be Jailbroken using the same redsn0w tools used to jailbreak the first beta. Guide and download links are below. 5.0b2 can be jailbroken w/redsn0w from 2 wks ago (must point redsn0w at 5.0b1 IPSW)..devs ONLY please A step by step guide on how to jailbreak iOS 5 beta tethered using Redsn0w 0.9.8 (Mac & Win) Download iOS 5 Beta...

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