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Quantic Dream’s ‘The Dark Sorcerer’ E3 PS4 Tech Demo

The Dark Sorcerer Sony has released the full uncut version of Quantic Dream‘s PlayStation 4 tech demo video, dubbed The Dark Sorcerer: A Next-Gen Comedy. The demo offers a look at what can be achieved on the new console. Quantic Dream is yet to announce a true PS4 game title. The tech demo running in realtime 1080p on PS4: The Dark Sorcerer, Quantic Dream's latest shortfilm created using our new PS4 engine and running realtime is...

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Xbox One Reveal UI Demo Faked?

Xbox One Reveal UI Demo Faked? The video below is an exclusive Wired video that shows Xbox One TV integration. As noted by a NeoGAF user, Microsoft seems to have faked the Xbox One Live demo reveal and judging by the video the actual UI is choppy, slow, and not smooth the way it looked like during the reveal: User jaypah said, “Yeah, we found out shortly after the show. Apparently that wasn’t the actual episode of Price is...

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Microsoft Ad Spoofs Google Chrome Now Everywhere Ad

Microsoft Ad Spoofs Google Chrome Now Everywhere Ad It’s hard to argue that Chrome isn’t getting a prominent rise on both desktop and mobile. To that ends, Google launched a TV ad addressing the ubiquitous state of their browser, dubbed Now Everywhere, the ad highlights that “one browser for your laptop, phone and tablet. When you use Chrome across all of your devices, your web gets better, everywhere.” However,...

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Samsung Takes Another Jab At Apple with New Galaxy S4 Ad

Samsung Takes Another Jab At Apple with New Galaxy S4 Ad Samsung in a mission to popularize its latest flagship Galaxy S4 but at the expense of Apple. A new Ad for GS4 pokes fun at Apple’s iPhone 5. GS4 features are way much more than the iPhone 5, and its specs beat Apple’s latest smartphone in terms of almost everything. Watch the Ad right below: Although Samsung started this kind of mocking Ads, last week Microsoft and Nokia...

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Funny or Die’s Steve Jobs Movie, iSteve, Now Available to Watch Online

iSteve Funny or Die has published its anticipated movie about Steve Jobs, iSteve, on its website. The satirical movie run-time is around 80 minutes and starring Justin Long. Watch the trailer below and head over to Funny or Die to watch the full...

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Creative TNT Ad; Push the Red Button to Add Drama

Push the Red Button to Add Drama To launch the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium, the crew placed a big red push button right in the middle of street in an average Flemish town. Above that button is a big arrow that says, “Push To Add Drama.” and they invited people to use the button, and then they waited. Find out what happened when someone pushed that button: This is quite a creative ad for TNT that is worth checking...

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