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LinkedIn Launches Updated iPhone & Android Apps, New HTML 5 Mobile Site

LinkedIn has announced a new HTML 5 optimized page for mobile browsers and updated iPhone and Android apps with 2-10X speed increases. For the first time, we’ll be providing that experience not only in our iPhone and Android applications, but also in a brand new HTML5 experience for use in any modern mobile web browser. Faster The new mobile apps are between two and ten times faster across all features, ranging from search...

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Google to Acquire Motorola for $12.5 Billion

Google and Motorola Mobility have just announced an agreement whereby Google will acquire Motorola for $12.5 billion (or $40 per share). The acquisition of Motorola Mobility, a dedicated Android partner, will enable Google to supercharge the Android ecosystem and will enhance competition in mobile computing. Motorola Mobility will remain a licensee of Android and Android will remain open. Google will run Motorola Mobility as a separate...

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Google+ for iOS Now Available For iPad and iPod Touch [Updated]

Waiting for Google+ app on your your iPad or iPod touch? You can update the now-universal version right away. The update comes with more control over huddle feature via the app, as well as aggregated circle add notifications, stability improvements, and bug fixes. Download the latest Google+ update here. There is no native iPad app yet but I have activated the version and now works natively. Check screenshots below: You can make it iPad...

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Mind Blowing 3D Maps by C3 Technologies [Updated]

You are familiar with your current mapping services when it comes to Google Maps, Bing Maps or Google Earth, But a new technology will let you get beyond that and the Swedish company behind it thinks you actually deserve more and… seriously. Enter mind-blowing 3D mapping technology from Swedish startup C3 Technologies, the company that showcased their 3D maps on iPad at the CES show. Unlike your Ma and Pa’s maps, C3...

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Search Public Content On Google+ Using Google Plus Search Engine

With more than active 20 Million Users, Google Plus is a great place where people are actively connecting and sharing fresh news and content. Google Plus Search Engine is just for you, It lets you search public content directly. If you are on Chrome you can get the extension so you can search in your tab without having to visit the site. The extension shows you results from Google+ profiles, posts, Buzz and blogs. Visit the website from...

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Google Books, Amazon Kindle and Nook Finally Adhere to Apple’s Rules

We knew this was going to happen: Google Books, Amazon Kindle, Nook in the latest releases, they’ve pulled out the link to external Stores directly and adhere to Apple in-app purchases only. Apple you win for sure...

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